Arduino and Multiple MLX90614 Sensors
Nearly all articles you might look for regarding trying out an MLX90614 with an Arduino contain examples of using one sensor at a time. This makes sense as probably 99% of people are going to prototype a system with only one sensor in it. Quite a few articles make the incorrect assumption that having more than one sensor in a circuit is not even possible because the device slave addresses are hard coded. They do all come out of the factory with a default slave address of 0x5A, but this can be changed with a small amount of effort.
Now I plan to use two of these MLX90614 sensors in my cloud detection project so there was no two ways about it - I need 2 sensors, hence two slave addresses. Below I am going to take a look at the code to change the slave address on one of these devices, and then a way of actually implementing the change.
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